Big tech social media is about to have its day of reckoning.

Preserve Our Civil Liberties
2 min readNov 3, 2020

Lately as I scroll through Facebook I see a lot of posts that say fake news, click here to see why. I also see posts by my friends and family complaining about being in “Facebook jail” or having their posts removed from Facebook or Twitter because what they’ve posted doesn’t meet with Facebook or Twitter community standards. What did they post do you ask? Pro republican posts. Although the same people that were put in “Facebook jail” or had their account suspended in Twitter post a picture of a person slitting the throat of a police officer and that doesn’t get blocked or censored.

Big tech CEO’s Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey had their days in court recently to face quite a bit of backlash from Ted Cruz and other politicians for their social media censorship and biased agendas. Ted Cruz actually lashed out and said, “Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear?”

Why are we giving so much power to so few? When our founding fathers established our country, they knew that giving power to so few would result in a tyrannical government so they created the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government. Each one overseeing the other, but who is overseeing “big tech”? Even when you have your post removed or flagged for being “fake news”, you aren’t allowed to appeal the removal or flagging of your post. That’s why our politicians brought the executives of these “big tech” companies to Washington. There is no oversight of what they’re doing. They’ve gone mad with the power they now control.

There are some that say that “big tech” social media companies now hold the power to actually sway an election. Didn’t we condemn Russia for potentially swaying the 2016 presidential election towards Trump? Yet, we’re allowing American companies to sway American votes towards a their desired political candidate by only allowing the news they want you to see.

I for one got so fed up with the big tech social media machine and created my own social media called We don’t censor, block, or remove posts that don’t fit our agenda. We have no desire to push any agenda on anyone. We want to go back to the old days where social media is fun. We have a rule that we only block or remove posts that are illegal to have posted on social media. If you feel the way we do, come join us. You can sign up for free. Let’s have some fun.

